Case Studies

Full Home Painting Sherwin-Williams in Duluth, GA

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Our team meticulously updated the entire home, from the trim to the pillars, and finished by repainting the garage doors. The transformation is remarkable!

The rich, vibrant color achieved with Sherwin-Williams Emerald beautifully complements the stone facade, significantly enhancing the property's visual appeal. 


Houseworth Construction recently completed a comprehensive house painting project in Duluth, GA. We utilized Sherwin-Williams Emerald paint paired with Spar Marine-grade varnish, applying this premium finish to the garage doors as well.


Impressed by the exceptional results, the homeowner is eager to pursue further upgrades and will undoubtedly contact the trusted professionals at Houseworth for future projects.

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Housworth Construction
6715 Fairgreen Drive
Suwanee, GA 30024
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