
Full Bathroom Remodel in Suwanee, GA

The trained professionals at Housworth Construction designed a custom bathroom for a homeowner in Suwanee, GA. We started the renovation by removing the original shower, toilet, cabinets, and flooring.


Tacy was looking to create a modern look and allow the new design to be more effective and spacious. They started by installing the Vanity, Bathtub/shower, which we created a nitch in the wall section, & toilet. Once in, they turned their focus over to replacing the original flooring.


All-in-all, we completed this job fats & efficiently while making the homeowner completely satisfied with the results. 


our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Housworth Construction
6715 Fairgreen Drive
Suwanee, GA 30024
Service Area
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